This course provides the students with some practical knowledge of English sounds focusing on consonants sounds, , joining sounds, words, phrases, and sentences, stress and intonation on words, phrases, and sentences, and phonetic symbols in different types of exercises such as minimal pair words, sentences, monolog texts and dialogue, and sound transcription using phonetic symbols of international phonetic alphabets (IPA).

This course develops students’ ability and have the skills to write English expository essays. The students will develop their ability in determining the topic to the thesis statement, writing introductory paragraph, making outline, and writing concluding paragraph using different methods of development: examples, details, chronological order, comparison and contrast, cause and effect relations, as well as division and clasification.

Kode MK: PBI3209

Nama MK: Intermediate listening

SKS: 2

Kode MK: PBI4206

Nama MK: English byk Multimedia

SKS: 2

Kode MK  : PBI3233

Nama MK : Research Statistics

SKS            : 2

Deskripsi  : Mata kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan dasar tentang statistika penelitian untuk pemula. Mulai dari pengertian statistika, jenis dan penyajian data, ukuran data, distribusi statistik, pengujian hipotesis, analisis korelasi, analisis regresi (linier) sederhana, dan analisis variansi.

Description: This course provides basic knowledge of research statistics for beginners. Starting from the definition of statistics, the type and presentation of data, data size, statistical distribution, hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, simple (linear) regression analysis, and analysis of variance.